
    the journal also features reviews

    2024.03.08 | admin | 12次围观

      The European Heart Journal is an international, English language, peer-reviewed journal dealing with cardiovascular medicine. It is an official journal of the European Society of Cardiology and is published weekly.

      The European Heart Journal aims to publish the highest quality material, both clinical and scientific, on all aspects of cardiovascular medicine. It includes articles related to research findings, technical evaluations, and reviews. In addition it provides a forum for the exchange of information on all aspects of cardiovascular medicine, including education issues.

      In addition to publishing original papers on all aspects of cardiovascular medicine and surgery, the journal also features reviews, clinical perspectives, ESC Guidelines, and editorial articles about recent developments in cardiology as well as encouraging correspondence from its readers.



      除了发表有关心血管内科和外科各个方面的原创论文外,该杂志还刊登评论、临床观点、ESC 指南和关于心脏病学最新发展的社论文章,并鼓励读者来信。

      《European Heart Journal》(欧洲心脏杂志)编辑部通讯方式为OXFORD UNIV PRESS, GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OX2 6DP。如果您需要协助投稿或润稿服务,您可以咨询我们的客服老师。我们专注于期刊投稿服务十年,熟悉发表政策,可为您提供一对一投稿指导,避免您在投稿时频繁碰壁,节省您的宝贵时间,有效提升发表机率,确保SCI检索(检索不了全额退款)。我们视信誉为生命,多方面确保文章安全保密,在任何情况下都不会泄露您的个人信息或稿件内容。

    the journal also features reviews

